Hello Friends,
I am Anil Patel the Technologist, Digital Marketer, Facebook Ads Expert & Blogger.
Basically, I belongs to Engineering Back ground, with having experience of more than 15 Years in different Engineering Industries.
I have worked in different Engineering Organizations, where got opportunity to work with different kind of Department like, Production, Quality, Dispatch, Services & Marketing.
This experience helped me a lot, to Market Products or Plan New things.
Through this website, I will teach you Digital Marketing for FREEE. Digital Marketing is an Invisible Ocean of Money and different creative ideas where you can earn money online by
- Writing Blogs – Blogging
- Working for others – Free Lancing
- Promoting self or Others Product – Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Marketer Job in an Organisation.
Here will learn above all ways of earning Online and its different methods and tools or modules which is being used in Digital Marketing Field.
If you want to Learn any Specific tool or Method which is not mentioned here, you can comment us separately and let us know.
Hope for Positive updates and information from my Visitors.
Always remember